COVID-19 Testing Services

Coronavirus testing continues to be central to stopping the spread of disease and resuming in-person activities. Bay Shore Pediatrics has been performing tests to help our patients return to daycare, school, and sports. As the pace of these activities increases, so too will testing and it is essential that we continue to provide this service in a safe and convenient manner.

We offer two types of COVID-19 tests, Rapid Antigen Tests (aka Rapid Test) and PCR Tests. Institutions set their own requirements for which type of test will be accepted and as such we recommend knowing this information before arriving for your appointment. In general, PCR testing is considered the higher standard, but there are pros and cons to both. Rapid test results are usually available within 15 minutes of sample collection. PCR testing often must be sent out to a laboratory and results are usually available 2 days after the sample is collected.

We are fortunate at Bay Shore Pediatrics to have a PCR machine manufactured by Abbott Laboratories on site and depending on the availability of supplies, can often offer PCR results within 15 minutes of sample collection. However, sometimes this will not be available and specimens must be sent to an outside laboratory.

All patients seeking a COVID-19 test must complete a telehealth or in person visit with a provider prior to or at the time of testing. Please call to make an appointment. Patients with symptoms of infection such as; fever, cough, sore throat, headache, fatigue, muscle aches, or loss of taste or smell, will be tested at the end of the day. Patients must be accompanied to the office with a guardian who is not under quarantine or not currently infected with COVID-19.

Written results, if available at the time of testing, will be given to the patient. If results must be sent directly to another party please bring the fax number to the visit. Results cannot be emailed. If the specimen is sent to Labcorp, patients may obtain their own results by creating an account on Labcorp's website. Alternatively, you may activate your child’s portal and obtain their results through the portal. Please have a PIN provided to you when making your appointment for a telehealth visit or have our front desk staff provide you with a PIN at checkout.

Patient Portal

You may now self-report results of your covid home tests through the following site:

home covid tests

We greatly appreciate your cooperation and understanding.